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Latest News & Press Releases
Pennsylvania Gun Rights Challenged Reading, PA’s Ban on 3D Printed Firearms
The group is pressing state Attorney General Michelle Henry to enforce the state’s laws preventing local jurisdictions from outpacing the state’s gun control laws. Pennsylvania Gun Rights, the state affiliate of the National Association for Gun Rights, is specifically...
Federal Government Hiding Data Showing Shootings Stopped by Good Guys With Guns
The CDC, FBI, and legacy media are conspiring to “debunk” the truth that armed, law-abiding citizens prevent crime and stop mass shootings. For years, Democrats and anti-gunners have sought to disprove the so-called “good guy with a gun myth” in order to advance their...
Pennsylvania Gun Rights Demands PA Attorney General Uphold State Preemption Law
Harrisburg, PA - Pennsylvania Gun Rights, the state affiliate of the National Association for Gun Rights – announced that they have issued a demand to the Attorney General of Pennsylvania to enforce state preemption of firearm law. On August 26, 2024, the City Council...
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Who We Are
With its rapidly expanding membership of 4.5 million grassroots activists, National Association for Gun Rights has led the charge to halt the radical anti-gun agenda across the nation.