
Statewide Gun Owner Registry Proposed in Alabama

Statewide Gun Owner Registry Proposed in Alabama

It was only a matter of time. The Alabama Sheriffs Association (ASA) is working to create a statewide database of permit holders -- i.e. gun owners -- instead of focusing on stopping criminals.  Unlike others who recognize American’s God-given rights, the...

Hero Security Guard Not Charged For Having Gun on School Grounds

Hero Security Guard Not Charged For Having Gun on School Grounds

Denver, CO - Shamson Sundara, a Marine veteran who served in Afghanistan, was working as a security guard at STEM School in Highlands Ranch, CO, on May 7, 2019, when the unthinkable happened. The school was under attack by two deranged student shooters. The...

NRA official offers “compromise” on Virginia gun control

NRA official offers “compromise” on Virginia gun control

Richmond, VA – As anti-gun Democrats advance a half dozen radical gun control bills in Virginia, a key National Rifle Association lobbyist just dropped a bombshell.The NRA is ready to “work to find compromise.”This from the newly appointed NRA Virginia official, D.J....

Texas Hero Stops Armed Attacker in Fort Worth Church

Texas Hero Stops Armed Attacker in Fort Worth Church

As hundreds attended the Sunday service at West Freeway Church of Christ in Fort Worth, TX, an evil attacker wearing a black trench coat pulled out a firearm, intent on murdering scores of peaceful parishioners. As the attacker rose up from a seated position near the...

California Blocks Thousands From Buying Ammo. Gun Grabbers Rejoice.

California Blocks Thousands From Buying Ammo. Gun Grabbers Rejoice.

“Working as intended.”1 That is how an attorney with the Gifford’s Law Center described Proposition 63, California’s cockamamie ammunition background check system, which in less than six months, has denied over 60,000 Californians their right to purchase ammunition....

Congress to Vote on Additional $200 Million in Gun Control Funding

Congress to Vote on Additional $200 Million in Gun Control Funding

At the end of every year, the United States Congress votes on a spending bill which dictates how the federal government will spend American taxpayer dollars in the coming year. And every year, without fail, the anti-gun vultures in D.C. seize this opportunity to bury...

Supreme Court Declining Opportunity to Strengthen Gun Rights?

Supreme Court Declining Opportunity to Strengthen Gun Rights?

Hearing a major Second Amendment case for the first time in a decade, the United States Supreme Court is showing little inclination to make a ruling on the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. V. City of New York. The case in question challenges...

Presidential Hopefuls Make 2019 the Year of Anti-gun Radicalism

Presidential Hopefuls Make 2019 the Year of Anti-gun Radicalism

Eric Swalwell and Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke each proposed radical gun control policies such as gun buybacks on “assault weapons” and AR-15 confiscation as major selling points of their campaigns. Now both are failed candidates – forced to drop out of the race due...

Didn’t Think You Needed an AR-15 for Self-Defense? Think Again.

Didn’t Think You Needed an AR-15 for Self-Defense? Think Again.

Time and time again, gun grabbers try to justify their calls for an AR-15 ban with one question: “why on earth do you need an AR-15 for self-defense?” In March, Senator Chris Murphy came right out and said it on Twitter that no one needs a semi-automatic rifle to...

Democrats Want to Ban More Than Just “Assault Weapons”

Democrats Want to Ban More Than Just “Assault Weapons”

When most anti-gun Leftists talk about banning “assault weapons,” they often refer to firearms of the rifle variety; AR-15’s and AK-47’s It should come as no surprise to any gun owner who pays attention to the news that they want to ban “scary-looking” AR-15’s or any...

Anti-Gun Beto Bails Out of Presidential Bid

Anti-Gun Beto Bails Out of Presidential Bid

Anti-gun candidate Beto O’Rourke announced Friday he will drop out of the 2020 presidential race. O’Rourke ran his campaign on a largely anti-gun platform, including his infamous “gun buyback” proposal which amounted to outright gun confiscation. His dropout should...

Pennsylvania Judge Strikes Down Unlawful Gun Control Measures

Pennsylvania Judge Strikes Down Unlawful Gun Control Measures

Pennsylvania Judge Joseph James on Tuesday struck down three gun control ordinances passed by the city of Pittsburgh last year. On December 14, 2018, Pittsburgh City Council approved the gun control measures which included a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” large...

NAGR Thanks Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin & State Rep. Savannah Maddox

NAGR Thanks Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin & State Rep. Savannah Maddox

National Association for Gun Rights President Dudley Brown presented the .50 Caliber Freedom Award to Governor Matt Bevin and State Representative Savannah Maddox on Wednesday, thanking them for their support of the Second Amendment. The .50 Caliber Freedom Award is...

Utah Lawmakers hold Gun Confiscation Hearing!

Utah Lawmakers hold Gun Confiscation Hearing!

The gun control lobby is frantically working to pass “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation laws in all 50 states. And Utah may be next. In fact, just last week, the Utah Legislature’s Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Interim Committee held a hearing on the topic of “Red...

There is No Such Thing as a “Good Red Flag Law”

There is No Such Thing as a “Good Red Flag Law”

By Ryan Frasor NAGR contributor to The Truth About Guns On September 28, 2019, The Daily Signal published an article written by Amy Swearer of the Heritage Foundation describing a hypothetical version of a “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation law that would be...

More Americans Arming Themselves for Self-Defense

More Americans Arming Themselves for Self-Defense

Just last month, Dr. John R. Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center released a statistical analysis of Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States: 2019. And some of his findings directly contradict the Fake News media. America is getting safer – and...

FBI Report: Rifle Murders Down 24% from 2017

FBI Report: Rifle Murders Down 24% from 2017

While the anti-gun media and Presidential hopefuls spew fake news about rising gun crime on a near daily basis, the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics for 2018 say otherwise. Earlier this week, the FBI released their Annual Crime Statistics Report, claiming virtually all...

D.C. Swamp Ready To Pass Gun Control – How YOU Can Fight Back

D.C. Swamp Ready To Pass Gun Control – How YOU Can Fight Back

Congressional recess is coming to an end, and anti-gun politicians who spent the past five weeks scheming up radical gun controls such as “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation and Universal Gun Registration are ready to impose their will on law-abiding gun owners. If passed...

President Trump: Big Gun Control Package Coming

President Trump: Big Gun Control Package Coming

Over the weekend, President Trump once again renewed the push for a gun control “deal” with Congress.  Here’s exactly what the President told reporters on the White House South Lawn on Sunday: "We’re in the process of dealing with Democrats, Republicans --...

NAGR Headlines Fox News in the Fight Against Gun Control

NAGR Headlines Fox News in the Fight Against Gun Control

The National Association for Gun Rights opposes ALL gun control, and it’s our dedicated members and supporters like you who do the lobbying through your activism.Even the mainstream media is taking notice of NAGR, as shown in this FOX NEWS article where NAGR President...

‘Red Flag’ Laws Are the Wrong Solution to Mass Shootings

‘Red Flag’ Laws Are the Wrong Solution to Mass Shootings

By Thomas Massie & John R. Lott Jr.As originally published in the National Review on August 12, 2019. Everyone is sick of mass public shootings in the United States. Enough is enough. Everyone, including us, is incredibly frustrated. But let’s do something that...

There Are Heroes Among Us As The Vultures Circle

There Are Heroes Among Us As The Vultures Circle

The murders of at least twenty-nine people this weekend in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio have left me feeling sad and angry...... Sad for the lives lost at the hands of attackers motivated by pure evil.... Angry because the anti-gun vultures are once again circling...

Anti-Gun NY Gov. Cuomo Signs Extended Waiting Period Bill

Anti-Gun NY Gov. Cuomo Signs Extended Waiting Period Bill

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo just dealt a blow to gun rights in the Empire State. As reported by Fox News, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the Extended Waiting Period bill into law on Monday.1 Additionally, he also signed a bill to ban the sale and possession of bump...

Anti-gun ATF Nominee Gets Surprise Hearing This Week

Anti-gun ATF Nominee Gets Surprise Hearing This Week

Lawmakers in Washington just scheduled an unexpected confirmation hearing on an anti-gun official, Chuck Canterbury, recently nominated to head the ATF.With this confirmation hearing on the calendar for Wednesday July 31 at 10 AM eastern in the U.S. Senate Judiciary...

AG William Barr creates gun control “Working Group”

AG William Barr creates gun control “Working Group”

Last week, Attorney General William Barr announced the creation of a “Working Group on Prosecuting Gun Crimes,”1 in an official Justice Department press release.Although Barr claims that this group will be, “aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of convicted domestic...

Trump told Piers Morgan he’s for this gun control

Trump told Piers Morgan he’s for this gun control

When President Donald Trump told reporters outside of Marine One he “didn’t like” firearm suppressors earlier this week, it was worrying.Frankly, the hope was it was just another fluke.But then, the President appeared on notoriously anti-gun Piers Morgan’s show in the...

Breaking News! Anti-Gunner Nominated as Next ATF Director

Breaking News! Anti-Gunner Nominated as Next ATF Director

Late on Friday afternoon the White House released an official statement that Chuck Canterbury, Jr. was nominated to become the next ATF Director. Unfortunately, Canterbury has a long history of publicly supporting and endorsing anti-gun policies, anti-gun Supreme...

2020 Hopeful Kamala Harris’s Scheme to Gut Your Gun Rights

2020 Hopeful Kamala Harris’s Scheme to Gut Your Gun Rights

Presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris recently laid out her first “100 days in office” plan, which centers on destroying the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans. Harris’ gun control agenda is designed to specifically abuse executive power, forcing all...

Democrat Presidential Candidates Go All In on Gun Control for 2020

Democrat Presidential Candidates Go All In on Gun Control for 2020

In the ever-growing field of 2020 presidential candidates, gun control is the big issue that Democrats are campaigning on. As that list continues to grow, ex-Vice President Joe Biden, Eric “Nuke-‘em-all” Swalwell, Beto O’Rourke, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris...

Colorado Supreme Court to Hear NAGR Lawsuit on Magazine Ban

Colorado Supreme Court to Hear NAGR Lawsuit on Magazine Ban

The gun rights battle in Colorado continues. In 2013 the Colorado Legislature passed a magazine ban limiting the number of rounds a magazine for rifles and pistols can hold to only 15. This bill was signed into law by then-Gov. Hickenlooper. The National Association...

Top 5 Reasons to Oppose Federal “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation

Top 5 Reasons to Oppose Federal “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation

So-called “Red Flag” laws (sometimes referred to as Extreme Risk Protection Orders or Gun Violence Restraining Orders) all mean the same thing. Gun confiscation without due process of law. In one fell swoop, law-abiding citizens have their Second and Fourth Amendment...

Red Flag Gun Confiscation Laws Won’t Stop Shootings

Red Flag Gun Confiscation Laws Won’t Stop Shootings

by: Jose Niño, Firearms Policy Expert Mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio have prompted politicians in both parties to act on the issue of gun control. Atrocities like these spark heated emotions that often lead to hasty decision-making and sub-optimal...

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